Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Blues?? Lets do the Christmas Traditions Tag!

hmmmm... not sure exactly how to start this post.
I love Christmas it is my favourite time of year... everyone is in good spirits and festive. I love choosing the perfect presents for everyone. My favourite part of Christmas is watching people open their gifts.
But for some reason this year I feel rushed off my feet. Between Christmas parties and family get togethers. I don't feel like I have had time to really enjoy the season. I haven't even wrapped my gifts yet... which is something that I love doing (but have not found the time to do so).
Is this what they call "Christmas Blues" I've never experienced this before... maybe it's because I didn't have all of my gifts purchased until yesterday, or maybe it's because I haven't been sleeping well as of late. Whatever the reason it is seriously encroaching on my Christmas Spirit.
So in an attempt to get that spirit back on track I am going to do the Christmas Traditions tag that has been going around on YouTube; here on my blog.
1. Favorite holiday destination?
My parents house... it never really feels like Christmas anywhere else but at my parents house.
2. Any family traditions?
hmmm... my brother, sister and I always have to sit at the top of the stairs on Christmas morning and are not allowed to go into the living room until my dad has set up both the video camera and a fire in the fire place (we have a video from every Christmas since I was little... we never watch them but we have them...lol)
We are only allowed to open one present on Christmas eve and it is always a pair a Christmas PJ's (love getting my Christmas jammies).
3. Favorite ornament of decoration?
This is a tough one... every year my mom gives us each an ornament for the tree. This is the first year where I have had my own Christmas tree to set up. My favourite one is probably the Angel that I bought for the top of the tree.
4. What are you doing for the holidays?
The holidays are split this year, I will be spending Christmas eve with my boyfriends family and then we will be at my parents for Christmas day.
5.Are you a late or early Christmas shopper?
Normally I am a early shopper, but this is my first Christmas with my boyfriend and I totally procrastinated on buying gifts for his family. So this year I am a late shopper.
6. Who usually cooks holiday dinners?
My mom... we help a bit (my dad stuffs the chicken) but normally we leave it to her.
7. Have you ever gone Christmas caroling?
No I haven't.
8. Do you live where it snows?
Oh yes I definitely do.... it dumped on us about 2 weeks ago... and will probably be here until end of march. Love having snow on Christmas... just not to sure about loving it after...lol.
9. One thing that makes you happiest at Christmas?
Watching people open the gifts that I got for them (I love seeing their reactions), also, waking up early and opening stockings with my family.
10. What do you want most for Christmas?
hmmmm.... I didn't really ask for much this Christmas.... monetary wise probably Missioni Aqua perfume... or a gift certificate to a spa. But I think what I wish for the most is that I can have a nice relaxing Christmas with my family.
Well, I think this has done the trick.... my spirits are back up and I am now once again excited for the next few days. I wish you all the very best this Christmas season! I hope it is one that is filled with family, friends, and lots of love. Merry Christmas and may God Bless you in the coming year of 2010!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    I just came across your YouTube videos. They are awesome. I'm not that much into Make-up, well, I am, but I'm not very good at it. ;)

    You style of clothing is very nice as well.


    HI from Germany & I wish you a happy new year...not too much left of 2009 now!

